Unit 2: Understanding Structures and Mechanisms - Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

In this strand, students will identify and describe forces acting on and within structures. As they measure and compare external forces (natural or human) acting on structures and their effects on different materials, they will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept of
force and of ways in which structures respond to forces acting upon them. Students will have an opportunity to apply their learning as they design and build structures or mechanisms.

By examining the effects of forces from natural phenomena on society and the environment, students will gain respect for the power behind these forces and appreciation for the devastating effects that they have on the natural and built environment, and they will be able to develop
strategies for keeping themselves and others safe during these events.

Big Ideas:
- Structures and mechanisms throughout our environment have forces that act on and within them.
- We can measure forces in order to determine how they affect structures and mechanisms. This information can be used to guide the design of new structures and mechanisms.
- Forces that result from natural phenomena have an effect on society and the environment.

Overview of the Unit: (By the end of the unit, students will be able to:)
1. Analyse social and environmental impacts of forces acting on structures and mechanisms;
2. Investigate forces that act on structures and mechanisms;
3. Identify forces that act on and within structures and mechanisms, and describe the effects of these forces on structures and mechanisms.

Summative Tasks:
Forces Acting on Structures
Simple Machines

1. Graphic Dictionary of Forces Concepts
2. Forces lab
3. Calculating Work (Work = Force x Distance)

Online Unit: Forces

1. Applets to teach Forces, Loads, Materials, and Shapes
2. Simple Machine Resources (Simple Machines, Inclined Planes, Levers, Pulleys, Wedges and Screws, Wheels and Axle)
3. Simple Machines Review
4. Tools that Rely on Simple Machines