Grade 8 Social Studies (History and Geography)

In Grade 8 history, students will build on their understanding of earlier Canadian history, examining how social, political, economic, and legal changes in Canada between 1850 and 1914 affected different groups in an increasingly diverse and regionally distinct nation. They will explore experiences of and challenges facing Canadians around the beginning of the twentieth century and will compare them to those of present-day Canadians. Students will examine the internal and external forces that led to Confederation and territorial expansion and of the impact of these developments on long-time Canadians, including First Nations, as well as new immigrants. Through an examination of inequalities in the new nation, students will learn that many of the rights and freedoms we have in Canada today are the result of actions taken by people in this era to change their lives. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking as well as the historical inquiry process, using both primary and secondary sources to explore the perspectives of groups on issues of concern to Canadians from the mid-nineteenth century to the eve of World War I.

In Grade 8 geography, students will build on what they have learned in earlier grades about Earth’s physical features and processes in order to explore the relationship between these features/processes and human settlement patterns around the world. They will focus on where people live and why they live there, and on the impact of human settlement and land use on the environment. They will enhance their ability to apply a geographic perspective to their investigation of issues, including issues related to human settlement and sustainability and to global development and quality of life. In addition, students will study factors that affect economic development and quality of life on a global scale and will examine responses to global inequalities. Students will be introduced to new types of maps and graphs, including choropleth maps, scatter graphs, and population pyramids, and, at the same time, will continue to develop their ability to use a variety
of sources, tools, and spatial technologies to study various geographic issues.