Unit 3: Matter and Energy (Pure Substances and Mixtures) and Unit 4: Earth and Space Systems (Heat in the Environment)

Matter and Energy - Pure Substances and Mixtures
By exploring the distinction between pure substances and mechanical mixtures and solutions, students will come to recognize that most matter is either a solution or a mechanical mixture – including most foods and drinks and many medicines, cosmetics, building materials, and cleaning agents. Students will use this information to weigh the social and environmental consequences of the use of various consumer products. The introduction of a scientific model (the particle theory) to describe the particulate nature of matter will provide students with a conceptual basis for learning in this area. When experimenting with pure substances and mixtures, it is important that students be able to identify and explain the importance of practices that ensure their personal safety and the safety of others. This includes knowing why it is important to handle glassware safely (when using plastic containers is not suitable), to choose and safely use an appropriate heat source, and to use safety goggles or face shields to protect their eyes.

Earth and Space Systems - Heat in the Environment  
Heat energy plays a critical role in natural processes and in human life. Global warming has also focused considerable attention on the processes that control temperatures at the earth’s surface. By acquiring a working understanding of the nature of heat, students in Grade 7 will gain new insights into the ways that heat affects our world. Students will learn about the causes and effects of heat, investigate its properties, relate it to geological and meteorological processes, and use their new-found knowledge to design a device to minimize heat transfer. They will also use the particle theory to help them explain their observations. Experiments with heat require that students identify and explain the importance of practices that ensure their personal safety and the safety of others. This includes knowing why very hot water should always be carried in a closed container (e.g., an insulated flask) and why they should stand when heating things and hold objects that are being heated well away from themselves. 

Summative Assignment: Students will design and create an Insulation Chamber/Solar Cooker to demonstrate an understanding of heat concepts. They will explain how the contents (solution/mixture) change with/without the use of their technology. (Student Examples)


  1. Diagnostic Assessment:
  2. Phases of Matter Movie (In Class)
  3. The Particle Theory of Matter
  4. States of Matter and The Particle Theory Worksheet and Notes
  5. Student Particle Theory Comics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  6. Notes and Experiments on Heat
  7. Heat Video (In Class)
  8. Water Cycle Video (In Class)
  9. Evaluation Checkpoint #1
  10. Pure Substance and Mixtures PPT
  11. Pure Substance and Mixtures Notes
  12. Substances and Mixtures Notes
  13. Students will take part in experiment centers that examine the following: properties of pure substances and mixtures, mixtures and solutes and solvents in solutions, factors that affect solubility, and ways to separate mixtures. (Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures, Lesson 2: Solutions (Solutes and Solvents) and Mechanical Mixtures, Lesson 3: Solubility of Substances, Lesson 4: Separating Mixtures and Solutions)
  14. Evaluation Checkpoint #2
  15. Experimenting with Heat - Students will take part in experiment centers that examine the following: effects of heating and cooling on the volume of a solid, liquid, gas; heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation); and heat loss. After each experiment, students must consider what materials will generate optimum heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation.
  16. The Particle Theory

Online Unit: Pure Substances and Mixtures
Online Unit: Heat in the Environment